About Us
Layang food Sdn Bhd is founded since 1990 in a poetic town - Swallow city (Layang-Layang). It was started with the intention of founder, Who is aim to prepare the best home cooked snack for her children. Since then, it had been the snack of the town. Everyone will always remember that "taste of the home".Our Tapioca Chips are prepared in environmental friendly and healthy cooking method. They are prepared in the traditional recipe with advance manufacturing automation.
Layang food Sdn Bhd distribution network had been expanding to entire Peninsular Malaysia. Various renowned Food companies in Singapore has been a loyal business partner since.
在1990年, 拉央 (薯片) 食品有限公司在一个充满诗意的小镇 “燕子城” (Layang-layang) 下成立的。我们创办人为了能让孩子们能享受到较健康的家常小吃。从那刻起,它一直是小镇不可或缺的小吃。每个人的心里 “家的味道”。